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A Course In Refrigeration And Air Conditioning


By A Chakrabarti (Author)   By  Dhanpat Rai And Co  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9788177000009
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/150/4/654
Pages :400
Publisher :Dhanpat rai and co


Circuit Theory Analysis and Synthesis by A Chakrabarti is a comprehensive guide to the principles of circuit theory. The book covers a wide range of topics, including circuit analysis techniques, network theorems, resonance, filters, and more. It is designed for students of electrical and electronics engineering, as well as practicing engineers who need a refresher on the fundamentals of circuit theory. The book is organized into chapters that cover specific topics, making it easy for readers to navigate and find the information they need. Each chapter includes numerous examples and exercises to help readers apply the concepts they have learned. The book also includes detailed explanations of complex topics, making it accessible to readers with varying levels of experience. One of the standout features of Circuit Theory Analysis and Synthesis is its emphasis on practical applications. The book includes real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate how circuit theory can be applied to solve engineering problems. This makes the book a valuable resource for anyone who needs to...


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