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Code Name God


By Mani Bhaumik (Author)   By  Penguin Random House India  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2006
ISBN :9780144001033
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/50/2/572
Pages :222
Publisher :Penguin Random House India


"Code Name God" by Mani Bhaumik is a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between science and spirituality. The author, a physicist who made significant contributions to the field of laser technology, delves into his own personal journey from a small village in India to the world of cutting-edge science, all while grappling with questions about the nature of reality and the existence of a higher power. Through a series of engaging anecdotes and reflections, Bhaumik challenges readers to reconsider their assumptions about the universe and their place within it. He weaves together scientific principles with ancient wisdom traditions, offering a fresh perspective on the age-old debate between faith and reason. One of the standout features of "Code Name God" is Bhaumik's ability to make complex scientific concepts accessible to a wide audience, while also delving into profound philosophical and spiritual insights. The book is a testament to the power of curiosity and open-mindedness, encouraging readers to embrace the mystery and wonder of the world around them. Praise fo...


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