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The Perfection Of Yoga


By Swami Prabhupada (Author)   By  The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9789382716938
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/25/2/503
Pages :60


"The Perfection of Yoga" by Swami Prabhupada is a comprehensive guide to the ancient practice of yoga, offering readers a deep understanding of its philosophy, principles, and techniques. The book delves into the spiritual aspects of yoga, emphasizing the importance of self-realization, meditation, and devotion to achieve inner peace and enlightenment. Through insightful teachings and practical advice, Swami Prabhupada explores the different paths of yoga, including karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga, and explains how each can lead to spiritual growth and self-discovery. The book also discusses the benefits of yoga for physical health, mental well-being, and overall happiness. One of the standout features of "The Perfection of Yoga" is its clear and accessible writing style, making it an ideal resource for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Swami Prabhupada's profound wisdom and spiritual guidance shine through in every page, inspiring readers to embark on their own journey towards self-realization and inner peace. Praise for the book includes reviews that highligh...


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