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English Core Class 12 Cbse


By Ravi Kumar Sharma (Author)   By  Full Marks Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9789381957547
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/175/5/229
Pages :560
Publisher :Full Marks Private Limited


English Core Class 12 CBSE by Ravi Kumar Sharma is a comprehensive guide for students studying English at the senior secondary level in India. This book covers all the important topics and concepts that students need to know in order to excel in their CBSE exams. The book is divided into several sections, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of the English language. These sections include grammar, comprehension, writing, and literature. The grammar section covers all the major parts of speech, tenses, and sentence structures, while the comprehension section teaches students how to read and understand different types of texts. The writing section of the book is particularly useful for students who struggle with expressing their thoughts in writing. It includes tips and techniques for writing different types of essays, letters, and reports, as well as examples of good writing that students can use as models. The literature section of the book is also very helpful, as it covers all the major works of English literature that students are expected to be familiar with at the senio...


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