Echo Burning


By Lee Child (Author)   By  Group Publishing (Co)  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2001
ISBN :9780553813302
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/452/3/6
Pages :571
Publisher :Group Publishing (CO)


There was a time when a US-set crime novel by a British writer (such as James Hadley Chases No Orchids For Miss Blandish ) could get away with a certain carelessness in local detail. Not any more. Since the Englishman Lee Child began writing his superbly authentic novels, few readers on either side of the Atlantic would accept anything other than the gritty authenticity of There was a time when a US-set crime novel by a British writer (such as James Hadley Chases No Orchids For Miss Blandish ) could get away with a certain carelessness in local detail. Not any more. Since the Englishman Lee Child began writing his superbly authentic novels, few readers on either side of the Atlantic would accept anything other than the gritty authenticity of books such as Childs latest, Echo Burning . He prides himself on the plausibility of his settings and characters, and actually has a more striking sense of the American landscape that many native writers. He never allows the reader to forget just where his hero Jack Reacher is, what hes feeling, smelling, seeing. And Reacher has slowly but surely...


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