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Elementary English Grammar And Composition Book 2 Class 3


By N K Aggarwala (Author)   By  Goyal Brothers Prakashan  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9788183890526
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/19/3/780
Pages :112
Publisher :Goyal Brothers Prakashan


Elementary English Grammar and Composition Book 2 Class 3 by Nk Aggarwala is an essential guide for students looking to improve their English language skills. The book is designed to help students build a strong foundation in grammar and composition, and it covers a range of topics such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation. The book is unique in that it is tailored specifically for Class 3 students, making it an ideal resource for young learners who are just beginning to develop their language skills. The book is easy to understand and is filled with clear explanations and examples, making it an excellent tool for both teachers and students. One of the standout features of the book is its focus on practical application. The book includes a range of exercises and activities that allow students to practice what they have learned and apply their knowledge in real-world situations. This helps students to develop their language skills in a meaningful way, which can be particularly helpful for students who struggle with traditional language learning methods. The book ...


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