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Ese-2017 Prelims:Paper-1 Standards And Quality Practices In Production (Book Code Gsea 5) General Studies And Engineering Aptitude


By Made Easy (Author)   By  Made Easy  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9789351472124
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/87/2/534
Pages :110
Publisher :MADE EASY


"Ese-2017 Prelims:Paper-1 Standards And Quality Practices In Production (Book Code Gsea 5) GENERAL STUDIES AND ENGINEERING APTITUDE" by author Made Easy is a comprehensive guide that aims to help engineering students prepare for the Engineering Services Examination (ESE) Prelims. This book focuses specifically on the subject of Standards and Quality Practices in Production, which is an important area of study for the ESE exam. It provides a thorough understanding of the concepts, principles, and practices related to standards and quality in the field of production engineering. The book covers all the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for readers to grasp the information. It includes detailed explanations, examples, and practice questions to help readers test their knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills. One of the standout features of this book is its emphasis on the application of standards and quality practices in real-world engineering scenarios. It provides practical insights and case studies that help readers understand how these co...


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