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Everyday English Grammar And Composition Class 4


By Others (Author)   By  Viva Books Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2019
ISBN :9789387153080
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/225/7/309
Pages :120
Publisher :Viva Books Private Limited


Everyday English Grammar and Composition Class 4 by Na is a comprehensive guide to English grammar and composition for young learners. The book covers all the essential topics in English grammar, including parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, and more. It also provides ample opportunities for students to practice their writing skills through various composition exercises. The book is designed to be easy to follow, with clear explanations and examples provided for each topic. It is perfect for students in Class 4 who are looking to improve their English language skills. The book is also unique in its approach, as it combines grammar and composition into one comprehensive guide. Key features of the book include its user-friendly format, which makes it easy for students to navigate and understand. The book also includes colorful illustrations and examples, which help to make the content more engaging and memorable. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear explanations, thorough coverage of grammar topics, and its focus on practical writing skills. One reviewer notes...


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