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Fairy Tales Navneet Book 2


By Others (Author)   By  Navneet  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9788124305164
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/21/2/1084
Pages :31
Publisher :navneet


FAIRY TALES NAVNEET BOOK 2 is a delightful collection of classic fairy tales that will transport readers to a magical world of imagination and wonder. From the adventures of Cinderella and Snow White to the mischievous antics of Puss in Boots and the cleverness of the Little Mermaid, this book is filled with timeless tales that will captivate readers of all ages. The book features beautiful illustrations that bring each story to life, making it a pleasure to read and explore. Each story is carefully crafted to highlight key themes such as love, courage, and perseverance, making it a perfect choice for parents who want to introduce their children to the world of fairy tales. What sets this book apart from others in its genre is the attention to detail and the quality of the storytelling. The author has taken great care to ensure that each story is engaging and entertaining, while also conveying important life lessons that are relevant to readers of all ages. Readers will love the way that the book combines classic fairy tales with modern sensibilities, creating a unique and memorab...


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