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Frank Primary Maths Book 5


By Stalin Malhotra (Author)   By  Frank Bros And Co  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2021
ISBN :9789350376997
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/141/5/255
Pages :280
Publisher :Frank Bros And Co


Frank Primary Maths Book 5 by Stalin Malhotra is an engaging and comprehensive math textbook designed to help young learners develop a strong foundation in mathematics. The book covers a wide range of topics including numbers, shapes, measurements, and basic operations. Each concept is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for students to understand and apply their knowledge. The book also includes numerous examples and practice exercises, allowing students to reinforce their learning and develop their problem-solving skills. What sets Frank Primary Maths Book 5 apart is its interactive approach to learning. The book incorporates fun and interactive activities that make math enjoyable for students. From puzzles and games to real-life scenarios, the book encourages students to apply their math skills in practical situations, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject. With its beautiful illustrations and user-friendly layout, Frank Primary Maths Book 5 is visually appealing and engaging for young readers. The book also includes helpful tips and strategies to...


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