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Garima Hindi Pathmala Text Cum Workbook 3


By Dr Pradip Kumar Jain (Author)   By  Madhubun Educational Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9789352713950
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/57/1/531
Pages :116
Publisher :Madhubun Educational Books


"GARIMA HINDI PATHMALA TEXT CUM WORKBOOK 3" by Dr. Pradip Kumar Jain is a comprehensive textbook and workbook designed to help students learn and practice Hindi language skills. This book is specifically tailored for students at the third-grade level, providing a structured and engaging curriculum to support their language development. The book covers a range of topics including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing exercises. With a focus on building foundational language skills, "GARIMA HINDI PATHMALA TEXT CUM WORKBOOK 3" offers a structured approach to learning Hindi that is both educational and enjoyable for young learners. Key features of the book include clear explanations of concepts, engaging exercises, and colorful illustrations to aid in understanding. The workbook format allows students to practice their skills and track their progress, making it a valuable resource for both classroom use and independent study. Positive reviews of the book praise its user-friendly format, comprehensive content, and effective teaching methods. Teachers and students alik...


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