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Half Girlfriend


By Chetan Bhagat (Author)   By  Rupa  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9788129135728
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/173/4/229
Pages :260
Publisher :Rupa


One Indian Girl by Chetan Bhagat is a contemporary romance novel that delves into the complexities of modern relationships and the challenges faced by women in Indian society. The book follows the story of Radhika Mehta, a successful investment banker who is about to get married. As Radhika navigates through her career, family expectations, and societal pressures, she finds herself questioning her choices and struggling to find her own identity. The main themes explored in One Indian Girl include feminism, gender equality, and the societal expectations placed on women in Indian culture. Through Radhika's experiences, the book examines the double standards and stereotypes that women face, and the choices they have to make between career and marriage. What sets One Indian Girl apart is its unique narrative style, as the story is told from Radhika's perspective, allowing readers to understand her thoughts, emotions, and struggles. Chetan Bhagat's engaging writing style and relatable characters make this book a compelling read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of mode...


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