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Haroun And The Sea Of Stories


By Salman Rushdie (Author)   By  Penguin India  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 1991
ISBN :9780140140439
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/63/5/641
Pages :218
Publisher :Penguin India


"Haroun and the Sea of Stories" by Salman Rushdie is a whimsical and imaginative tale that follows the adventures of a young boy named Haroun as he sets out to restore the lost stories of the Ocean of the Streams of Story. When Haroun's father, a famous storyteller, loses his ability to tell stories, Haroun embarks on a journey to the magical land of Kahani to help him regain his storytelling powers. As Haroun navigates this fantastical world, he encounters a cast of colorful characters, including the Water Genie, the Eggheads, and the Guppees and Chupwalas, who represent opposing forces of light and darkness. Through his adventures, Haroun learns valuable lessons about the power of storytelling, the importance of imagination, and the struggle between good and evil. One of the standout features of "Haroun and the Sea of Stories" is Rushdie's enchanting prose, which is filled with rich imagery and clever wordplay. The book also explores themes of censorship, freedom of expression, and the role of storytelling in shaping our understanding of the world. Critics have praised Rushdie's...


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