Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire


By J. K. Rowling (Author)   By  Bloomsbury Pub Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Hardback
Publication Date : 2000
ISBN :9780747546245
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/452/8/14
Pages :636
Publisher :Bloomsbury Pub Limited


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series. This novel follows Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he is mysteriously entered into the Triwizard Tournament, a dangerous competition that takes place between three wizarding schools. As Harry navigates the challenges of the tournament, he also faces new threats from the return of the dark wizard Voldemort. The plot of this book is full of action and adventure, as Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione work to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events at Hogwarts. Along the way, they encounter new characters, such as the foreign students from the other wizarding schools, and face new challenges, such as the deadly tasks of the Triwizard Tournament. One of the key themes of this book is the idea of growing up and facing new challenges. Harry and his friends are no longer children, and they must confront the dangers of the wizarding world head-on. Another important theme is the power of love and friendship, as Harry relies on his friends and ...


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