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Introduction To Radar Systems 3e


By Merrill I. Skolnik (Author)   By  Tata Mcgraw Hill Education  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2001
ISBN :9780070445338
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/25/7/320
Pages :772
Publisher :Tata McGraw Hill Education


"Introduction to Radar Systems" by Merrill I. Skolnik is a comprehensive guide that provides readers with a thorough understanding of radar technology. This book serves as an essential resource for engineers, scientists, and students interested in the field of radar systems. Skolnik dives into the fundamental principles of radar, covering topics such as radar signals, radar antennas, and radar detection. He explores the various components and subsystems that make up a radar system, including transmitters, receivers, and signal processors. The book also delves into radar imaging and tracking techniques, as well as radar system design and performance analysis. What sets "Introduction to Radar Systems" apart is its clear and concise explanations of complex concepts. Skolnik's writing style is accessible and engaging, making it easy for readers to grasp the technical details of radar systems. The book includes numerous examples and illustrations to aid in understanding, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced professionals in the field. One standout feature of...


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