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King And Maxwell


By David Baldacci (Author)   By  Pan Macmillan  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2013
ISBN :9781447229919
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/39/4/520
Pages :422
Publisher :Pan Macmillan


Former secret service agents turned private investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, return in their most surprising, personal and dangerous case to date. Michelle had chased many things in her life. As a track star and later Olympic rower, she had constantly pitted herself against others in races. As a cop in Tennessee she had run down her share of felons fleeing the scenes of their crimes. As a Secret Service Agent she had been fleet of foot next to limos carrying important leaders. Tonight, though, she was competing against a long-legged teenager with the boundless energy and fresh knees of youth who had a substantial head start and was running like the devil was on his heels . . . King and Maxwell encounter teenager Tyler Wingo when he has just received the tragic news that his soldier father has been killed in Afghanistan. But then Tyler receives an email from his father . . . after his supposed death. Sean and Michelle are hired to solve the mystery, and their investigation leads to deeper, even more troubling questions. Could Tyler's father really still be alive? ...


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