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Landmark Intregrated Socialscience Class 6


By Indira Ubramanian (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
ISBN :9780198069782
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/92/3/605
Pages :236
Publisher :oxford university press


"Landmark Integrated Social Science Class 6" by Indira Subramanian is a comprehensive textbook designed for students in the sixth grade. This book covers a wide range of topics in social science, including history, geography, political science, and economics, providing a holistic understanding of the world around us. The book delves into various historical events, geographical features, political systems, and economic principles, helping students develop a well-rounded perspective on society and culture. Through engaging text, colorful illustrations, and interactive activities, the book aims to make learning social science both informative and enjoyable for young readers. Key features of the book include thought-provoking questions, interesting facts, and real-life examples that bring the concepts to life. The book also includes maps, charts, and diagrams to aid in visual learning and comprehension. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear explanations, engaging content, and interactive approach to learning. Teachers and students alike appreciate the book's user-friendly form...


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