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New Learning Mathematics For Class 8


By M.L. Aggarwal,Neeraj Raj Jain (Author)   By  Avichal Publishing Company  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9788177394160
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/22/7/751
Pages :360
Publisher :Avichal Publishing Company


"New Learning Mathematics for Class 8" by M.L. Aggarwal and Neeraj Raj Jain is a comprehensive guide for students studying mathematics in the eighth grade. The book covers all the topics in the CBSE syllabus and is designed to help students understand and apply mathematical concepts in real-life situations. The book is divided into chapters that cover topics such as rational numbers, linear equations, quadrilaterals, and probability. Each chapter includes numerous examples, solved problems, and exercises to help students practice and reinforce their understanding of the concepts. One of the standout features of the book is its easy-to-understand language and presentation. The authors have used simple language and clear explanations to make even the most complex concepts accessible to students. The book has received rave reviews from educators and students alike. One reviewer praised the book for its "excellent coverage of the syllabus and its clear explanations," while another called it "a must-have resource for any student studying mathematics in the eighth grade." Overall, "New...


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