Memoirs Of A Geisha


By Arthur Golden (Author)   By  Vintage  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 1998
ISBN :9780099498186
Language :English
Rack No. :BOX/191
Pages :497
Publisher :vintage


Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden is a captivating novel that tells the story of a young girl named Chiyo, who is sold into slavery and trained to become a geisha in pre-World War II Japan. Through her eyes, readers are transported to a world of beauty, tradition, and intrigue, as Chiyo navigates the complex social hierarchy of the geisha world and struggles to find her place within it. The novel is rich in detail and explores themes of love, betrayal, and the power of tradition. Golden's writing is both lyrical and evocative, painting a vivid picture of a world that is both beautiful and cruel. One of the standout features of the book is its portrayal of the geisha world, which is both fascinating and mysterious to many Western readers. Golden's research is evident in the book, and he does an excellent job of bringing the world of the geisha to life. Memoirs of a Geisha has received widespread critical acclaim, with many reviewers praising Golden's writing and the book's immersive storytelling. The New York Times called it "a novel of startling clarity, beauty, and wisdom," wh...


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