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Macro Economics 6e


By Rudiger Dornbusch (Author)   By  Tata Mcgraw Hill  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2006
ISBN :9780070599055
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/225/2/57
Pages :635
Publisher :Tata McGraw Hill


"Macro economics 6E" by Rudiger Dornbusch is a comprehensive guide to the principles and theories of macroeconomics. This book provides readers with a thorough understanding of the key concepts and tools necessary to analyze and interpret macroeconomic data, as well as the ability to apply these concepts to real-world situations. The book covers a wide range of topics, including economic growth, inflation, unemployment, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and international trade. It also includes in-depth discussions of important economic theories, such as the Keynesian model, the monetarist model, and the classical model. One of the standout features of this book is its clear and concise writing style, which makes complex economic concepts accessible to readers of all levels. The book also includes numerous examples and case studies, which help readers understand how macroeconomic theory can be applied in practice. "Macro economics 6E" has received high praise from both students and instructors, with many reviewers noting its engaging writing style, comprehensive coverage of macroeco...


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