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Beehive English Text For Class 9


By Ncert (Author)   By  Ncert  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2021
ISBN :8174505024
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/87/4/639
Pages :147
Publisher :National Council of Educational Research and Training


The Beehive textbook in English for class 9, published by NCERT, is a comprehensive guide for students that covers a wide range of topics in literature, language, and grammar. The book is designed to help students develop their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, and to prepare them for higher education. The book is divided into several sections, each of which explores a different aspect of English language and literature. The first section focuses on prose, including short stories, essays, and biographical sketches. The second section covers poetry, including both classic and contemporary works. The third section is dedicated to grammar and language usage, and includes exercises and activities to help students improve their writing skills. Throughout the book, students will encounter a variety of themes and topics, including love, loss, identity, and social justice. The book also includes a number of standout features, such as beautiful illustrations and a unique structure that makes it easy to navigate and understand. The Beehive textbook has received positive review...


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