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It So Happened Supplementary Reader In Englissh For Class 8

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2018
ISBN :8174508355
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/61/2/415
Pages :98
Publisher :National Council of Educational Research and Training


"It So Happened" is a supplementary reader in English for Class 8 that offers a collection of engaging and thought-provoking stories for young readers. The book features a variety of themes, including friendship, family, adventure, and moral dilemmas, making it a well-rounded and educational read for students. The stories in the book cover a wide range of genres and styles, from humorous tales to poignant narratives, providing something for every reader to enjoy. The characters in the stories are diverse and relatable, allowing readers to connect with their struggles and triumphs. One of the standout features of "It So Happened" is its beautiful illustrations, which bring the stories to life and enhance the reading experience. The unique structure of the book, with each story offering a different perspective and lesson, sets it apart from other textbooks in its genre. Positive reviews of the book praise its engaging content, diverse themes, and relatable characters. Reviewers have noted that the stories in "It So Happened" are both entertaining and educational, making it a valuabl...


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