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Nothing Lasts Forever


By Sidney Sheldon (Author)   By  Harper Collins  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9788172234850
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/48/6/267
Pages :290
Publisher :harper collins


"Nothing Lasts Forever" by Sidney Sheldon is a gripping novel that follows the lives of three female doctors as they navigate their personal and professional challenges in a high-pressure hospital setting. The book delves into themes of love, loss, betrayal, and redemption, while also exploring the complex relationships between doctors and patients. At the heart of the story are the three main characters: Paige Taylor, a brilliant and ambitious surgeon who struggles to balance her career aspirations with her personal life; Kat Hunter, a talented anesthesiologist who grapples with addiction and the aftermath of a traumatic event; and Honey Taft, a gifted obstetrician who must confront her own mortality when she is diagnosed with cancer. The novel is filled with twists and turns, as the three doctors face a series of challenges and crises that test their strength and resilience. Along the way, they must confront their own flaws and weaknesses, while also learning to rely on each other for support and guidance. One of the standout features of "Nothing Lasts Forever" is its vivid port...


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