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Workbook Social Science For Class 6


By Others (Author)   By  Arihant  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017
ISBN :9789311121925
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/63/2/562
Pages :185
Publisher :arihant


The WORKBOOK SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR CLASS 6 by author Na is an engaging and comprehensive guide designed for students in the sixth grade. This workbook is an essential tool for students to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter and develop critical thinking skills. The book covers a wide range of topics in social science, including history, geography, and civics. It is filled with exercises, activities, and quizzes that help students test their understanding of the material and reinforce their learning. The main themes of the workbook include exploring the world, understanding society, and developing citizenship skills. The book aims to provide students with a strong foundation in social science and help them develop a sense of curiosity about the world around them. One of the standout features of the workbook is its clear and concise explanations of complex concepts. The book is also filled with colorful illustrations and diagrams that make learning more engaging and enjoyable. According to positive reviews, the WORKBOOK SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR CLASS 6 is an excellent resource f...


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