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New Grammar Magic 8


By Anuradha Murthi, (Author)   By  Madhubun Educational Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9789352712915
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/35/1/502
Pages :240
Publisher :Madhubun Educational Books


New Grammar Magic 8 by Anuradha Murthi is a comprehensive English grammar book designed for students in the 8th grade. This book covers all the essential grammar rules and concepts that students need to master in order to improve their language skills. The book is structured in a way that makes learning grammar fun and engaging, with clear explanations and plenty of exercises to practice. The author has taken care to ensure that the content is presented in a way that is easy to understand, making it suitable for students of all abilities. One of the standout features of New Grammar Magic 8 is its focus on practical application of grammar rules in real-life situations. The book includes examples and exercises that help students see how grammar is used in everyday communication, making it easier for them to apply their knowledge in their own writing and speaking. Overall, New Grammar Magic 8 is a valuable resource for students looking to improve their English grammar skills. With its clear explanations, engaging exercises, and practical approach to learning, this book is sure to hel...


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