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Op Amps And Linear Integrated Circuits 3e


By Ramakant (Author)   By  Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 0
ISBN :8120308077
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/48/8/688
Pages :640
Publisher :Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited


Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits 3E by Ramakant is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practical applications of operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits. The book covers all aspects of op amps, from basic concepts and circuit analysis to advanced topics such as stability, frequency compensation, and noise analysis. The main themes of the book are the design and analysis of linear circuits using op amps, as well as the practical applications of these circuits in various electronic systems. The author provides a clear and concise explanation of the theory behind op amps and linear integrated circuits, making it an ideal resource for students and professionals alike. Key features of the book include numerous examples and exercises that illustrate the concepts discussed, as well as detailed explanations of the design and analysis of op amp circuits. The book also includes a chapter on the practical applications of op amps, covering topics such as audio amplifiers, power supplies, and voltage regulators. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear and concise ...


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