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Process Systems Analysis And Control

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 1991
ISBN :9780071008075
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/184/2/261
Pages :566
Publisher :Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited


"Process Systems Analysis and Control" by Donald R. Coughanowr is a comprehensive textbook that delves into the principles and practices of process control and optimization in chemical engineering. The book covers topics such as mathematical modeling of processes, feedback control systems, process dynamics, and control strategies. Readers can expect to learn about the fundamental concepts of process systems analysis and control, as well as the practical applications of these concepts in real-world engineering scenarios. The book explores key themes such as process optimization, stability analysis, and the design of control systems to improve process efficiency and reliability. Key features of the book include detailed examples, problem sets, and case studies that help readers apply theoretical concepts to practical situations. The book also includes discussions on the latest advancements in process control technology and their implications for the field of chemical engineering. Positive reviews of the book commend its clear and concise explanations, as well as its relevance to st...


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