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Programming Microsoft Visual C + +


By David J Kruglinski (Author)   By  Microsoft Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2000
ISBN :9788178530055
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/401/7/50
Pages :1153
Publisher :Microsoft Press


Programming Microsoft Visual C++ by David J Kruglinski is a comprehensive guide for programmers who want to master the C++ programming language using Microsoft Visual Studio. The book covers all the essential topics, including data types, control structures, functions, classes, templates, and more, and provides practical examples and exercises to help readers apply their knowledge. The book is unique in its approach to teaching C++, as it focuses on using Microsoft Visual Studio and its integrated development environment (IDE) to write and debug code. This makes it an ideal resource for anyone who wants to work with C++ in a professional setting. One of the standout features of Programming Microsoft Visual C++ is its clear and concise writing style, which makes complex concepts easy to understand. The book also includes helpful tips and tricks for working with Visual Studio, as well as detailed explanations of common errors and how to fix them. Positive reviews of the book praise its comprehensive coverage of C++ and its practical approach to teaching programming. One reviewer not...


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