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Rage Of Angels


By Sidney Sheldon (Author)   By  Harper Collins  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9788172234782
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/10/2/889
Pages :504
Publisher :harper collins


Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon is a thrilling legal drama that follows the life of Jennifer Parker, a young and ambitious lawyer who rises to the top of her profession despite the odds stacked against her. Set in the cutthroat world of New York City law, the novel explores themes of power, ambition, love, and betrayal. The story begins with Jennifer's meteoric rise to success, as she becomes a rising star in the legal world and catches the eye of some of the most powerful men in the city. But her success comes at a cost, as she becomes embroiled in a web of deceit and corruption that threatens to destroy her career and her life. As Jennifer navigates the treacherous waters of the legal system, she must also grapple with her own personal demons, including a troubled past and a complicated love life. Along the way, she encounters a cast of complex and compelling characters, including ruthless lawyers, corrupt politicians, and dangerous criminals. What sets Rage of Angels apart is its fast-paced plot, gripping suspense, and vividly drawn characters. Sidney Sheldon's masterful story...


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