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Scion Of Ikshvaku (English) Ram Chandra Series Book1


By Amish (Author)   By  Westland Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2015
ISBN :9789385152146
Language :English
Pages :345
Publisher :Westland Books


"Scion of Ikshvaku" by Amish is a captivating retelling of the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. Set in a time of gods and demons, the story follows the life of Prince Ram, the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu, and his journey to fulfill his destiny as the rightful heir to the throne of Ayodhya. As Ram navigates the challenges of palace politics, familial duty, and divine intervention, he must also confront the evil forces of the demon king Ravana, who threatens to destroy everything Ram holds dear. Along the way, Ram forms alliances with loyal friends and allies, including the fierce warrior Hanuman and the wise sage Vashishta, who help him in his quest to uphold righteousness and defeat the forces of darkness. With its rich tapestry of mythology, philosophy, and adventure, "Scion of Ikshvaku" offers readers a fresh perspective on the timeless tale of good versus evil. Amish's unique storytelling style blends historical accuracy with imaginative flair, creating a world that is both familiar and new. Praise for the book includes accolades such as "a gripping and immersive read"...


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