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Model School Essays Letter & Composition


By H S Bhatia (Author)   By  Book Palace Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2016
ISBN :9788171871995
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/39/6/728
Pages :360
Publisher :Book Palace Books


Model School Essays Letter & Composition by H S BHATIA is a comprehensive guide for students to improve their writing skills. This book is a great resource for students who want to learn how to write effective essays, letters, and compositions. The book covers a range of topics, including descriptive writing, narrative writing, argumentative writing, and more. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to structure and organize different types of writing, as well as tips on how to improve grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. One of the standout features of this book is its collection of model essays, letters, and compositions. These examples provide students with a clear understanding of what good writing looks like and how to achieve it. The book also includes exercises and practice questions to help students apply what they have learned. According to one reviewer, "This book is a must-have for any student who wants to improve their writing skills. It's easy to follow and provides clear examples and guidance. I highly recommend it." Overall, Model School Essays Letter & Co...


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