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Six Frames For Thinking About Information


By Edward De Bono (Author)   By  Vermilion Partners Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2008
ISBN :9780091924195
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/106/6/718
Pages :127
Publisher :Vermilion Partners Limited


"SIX FRAMES FOR THINKING ABOUT INFORMATION" by Edward de Bono is a thought-provoking book that offers readers a unique framework for understanding and processing information. De Bono introduces six different perspectives or "frames" through which information can be viewed, such as the "confirmation frame" and the "consequence frame," each providing a different lens through which to analyze and make sense of data. Through engaging examples and practical exercises, de Bono challenges readers to expand their thinking and consider information from multiple angles. By encouraging readers to adopt a more holistic approach to information processing, the book aims to improve decision-making and problem-solving skills. One of the standout features of "SIX FRAMES FOR THINKING ABOUT INFORMATION" is de Bono's clear and accessible writing style, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply. The book is highly praised for its practical insights and actionable advice, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their critical thinking skills. Overall, "SIX FRAMES FOR THIN...


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