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Secrets Of Leadership The Panchatantra Way


By Luis Sr (Author)   By  Pustak Mahal  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2010
ISBN :9788122308020
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/106/6/734
Pages :136
Publisher :Pustak Mahal


"Secrets Of Leadership The Panchatantra Way" by Luis SR Vas and Anita SR Vas is a captivating exploration of leadership principles through the lens of the ancient Indian fables of the Panchatantra. Drawing on the timeless wisdom of these stories, the authors provide valuable insights into effective leadership strategies that can be applied in modern-day contexts. The book delves into the importance of qualities such as wisdom, courage, and integrity in a leader, using engaging narratives and thought-provoking analysis to illustrate key concepts. Through the retelling of classic Panchatantra tales, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own leadership styles and consider how they can enhance their skills to become more effective leaders. Key features of the book include a unique blend of storytelling and leadership theory, making it both informative and entertaining. The authors' deep understanding of the Panchatantra fables shines through in their insightful interpretations, offering readers a fresh perspective on the age-old tales. Praise for "Secrets Of Leadership The Pancha...


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