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Spelling Success Graded Activities That Targetr Problems In Spelling


By Peter Cluterbuck (Author)   By  Scholactics  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
ISBN :9788176557054
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/75/6/495
Pages :152


Spelling Success: Graded Activities That Target Problems in Spelling by Peter Clutterbuck is a comprehensive resource designed to help students improve their spelling skills. The book offers a wide range of graded activities that target common spelling problems, providing learners with the opportunity to practice and reinforce their spelling knowledge. The main themes of the book revolve around identifying and addressing spelling mistakes, with a focus on building foundational skills that will benefit students in all areas of their education. The activities are carefully structured to help learners progress from basic spelling rules to more advanced concepts, ensuring a well-rounded approach to spelling improvement. Key features of Spelling Success include clear explanations of spelling rules, engaging exercises that cater to different learning styles, and helpful tips for remembering tricky words. The book also includes answer keys for self-assessment, allowing students to track their progress and identify areas for further improvement. Positive reviews of the book praise its pra...


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