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Starting Geography For Class 4


By Maneesha Sharma (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2017
ISBN :9780199467631
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/79/5/557
Pages :134
Publisher :Oxford University Press


"Starting Geography for Class 4" by Maneesha Sharma is a comprehensive textbook designed to introduce young readers to the fascinating world of geography. Through engaging text and colorful illustrations, this book covers key geographical concepts such as continents, oceans, countries, and natural landmarks. The book is structured in a way that makes learning fun and interactive, with activities and quizzes to reinforce understanding. It also includes real-world examples and case studies to help students connect theoretical concepts to practical applications. Key features of this book include clear explanations, vibrant visuals, and a user-friendly layout that makes it easy for young learners to navigate. The book is designed to spark curiosity and encourage exploration of the world around us. Positive reviews of "Starting Geography for Class 4" praise its accessibility, engaging content, and effective teaching methods. One reviewer notes, "This book makes learning geography a breeze for young students, with its interactive approach and engaging activities." Overall, "Starting G...


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