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Student Solutions Manual For Options Futures And Other Derivatives


By John C Hull (Author)   By  Pearson Education Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2011
ISBN :9788131728048
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/184/4/260
Pages :270
Publisher :Pearson Education Limited


The Student Solutions Manual for "Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives" by John C. Hull is a valuable companion to the main textbook, providing detailed solutions to the end-of-chapter problems. This manual is designed to help students better understand the complex concepts and calculations involved in derivatives markets. The main themes of the book revolve around options, futures, and other derivative securities, exploring topics such as pricing models, risk management, and trading strategies. Through the solutions provided in the manual, students can gain a deeper understanding of these concepts and enhance their problem-solving skills. Key features of this manual include step-by-step solutions, clear explanations, and additional practice problems to reinforce learning. The manual also includes useful tips and insights to help students navigate the challenging material. Positive reviews of the main textbook praise its comprehensive coverage of derivatives markets and its practical approach to teaching complex concepts. The solutions manual complements this by offering a hand...


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