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Textbook Of Ear, Nose And Throat 2012 N8


By S K Sharma (Author)   By  Dr Bhatia Medical Institute  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9788192238388
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/203/3/202
Pages :189
Publisher :dr bhatia medical institute


The "Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat 2012 N8" is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book covers a wide range of topics including anatomy, physiology, pathology, and surgical techniques. The book delves into the intricacies of ear, nose, and throat conditions, providing detailed information on common disorders such as otitis media, sinusitis, and tonsillitis, as well as more complex issues like head and neck cancer. The text also includes discussions on the latest advancements in the field, ensuring that readers are up-to-date on the most current practices and treatments. Key features of this book include clear and concise explanations, helpful illustrations and diagrams, and case studies that allow readers to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Whether you are a medical student, resident, or practicing physician, this textbook is an invaluable resource for understanding and managing ear, nose, and throat disorders. Positive reviews of the "Textbook of Ea...


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