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The 8051 Microcontroller And Embedded Systems Using Assembly And C


By Mazidi (Author)   By  Pearson Education Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2008
ISBN :9788131710265
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/33/6/419
Pages :547
Publisher :Pearson Education Limited


"The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C" by Mazidi is a comprehensive guide that takes readers on a journey through the world of microcontrollers and embedded systems. The book provides a thorough introduction to the 8051 microcontroller, covering both assembly and C programming languages. It offers a step-by-step approach, making it accessible for beginners while also providing valuable insights for experienced programmers. One of the standout features of this book is its emphasis on hands-on learning. It includes numerous examples and exercises that allow readers to apply their knowledge and gain practical experience. The book also provides detailed explanations of key concepts and principles, ensuring a solid understanding of the material. Readers can expect to delve into various topics such as memory interfacing, interrupt programming, timers and counters, serial communication, and more. The book explores the intricacies of microcontroller programming, enabling readers to design and develop their own embedded systems. Positive reviews of "The 805...


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