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The Grammar Tree 2


By Indranath Guha (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2011
ISBN :9780195675016
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/244/6/197
Pages :90
Publisher :Oxford University Press


The Grammar Tree 2 by Indranath Guha is a comprehensive English grammar book designed for students at the elementary level. This book serves as an essential tool for young learners to develop a strong foundation in English grammar and language skills. The plot of The Grammar Tree 2 revolves around a group of lively characters who guide students through various grammar concepts and rules. With engaging stories and interactive exercises, the book takes readers on a journey of discovery, making learning grammar an enjoyable experience. One of the key features of The Grammar Tree 2 is its visually appealing illustrations that capture the attention of young readers. The book's unique structure presents grammar concepts in a clear and concise manner, ensuring easy comprehension and retention. Positive reviews have praised The Grammar Tree 2 for its user-friendly approach and effective teaching methods. Reputable sources have commended the book for its ability to simplify complex grammar rules and make them accessible to young learners. To provide context and background information, The...


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