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The Grammar Tree 6


By Mridula Kaul (Author)   By  Oup  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2007
ISBN :9780195684407
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/239/6/162
Pages :176
Publisher :OUP


The Grammar Tree 6 by Mridula Kaul is a comprehensive English grammar textbook designed for students in grade 6. The book covers all aspects of grammar, including parts of speech, tenses, sentence structure, and punctuation. The main themes of the book revolve around mastering the English language and developing effective communication skills. The book is structured around a series of lessons that build on each other, providing students with a solid foundation in English grammar. One of the standout features of The Grammar Tree 6 is its clear and concise explanations of grammar concepts. The book uses simple language and examples to help students understand complex grammar rules. Additionally, the book includes a variety of exercises and activities to help students practice and reinforce their learning. The Grammar Tree 6 has received positive reviews from educators and parents alike. One reviewer praised the book for its "engaging and interactive approach to learning grammar," while another noted that it "provides a solid foundation for students to build upon." Overall, The ...


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