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The Nutcracker


By Jane B Mason (Author)   By  Scholastic Inc Ltd  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2002
ISBN :9780439436519
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/227/3/44
Pages :98
Publisher :Scholastic Inc Ltd


"The Nutcracker" by Jane B Mason is a classic retelling of the beloved holiday tale. Set in nineteenth-century Germany, the story follows young Clara as she receives a magical nutcracker from her godfather on Christmas Eve. When the clock strikes midnight, Clara is whisked away to a magical world of dancing sugarplum fairies, mischievous mice, and a handsome prince. What makes this version of "The Nutcracker" unique is its focus on Clara's journey of self-discovery. As she navigates the fantastical world of the Nutcracker, Clara learns the importance of bravery, kindness, and the power of imagination. Along the way, she encounters a cast of colorful characters, including the Sugar Plum Fairy, the Mouse King, and the Nutcracker himself. The book features stunning illustrations that bring the magical world of the Nutcracker to life. It also includes a brief history of the Nutcracker ballet and a glossary of terms, making it a great resource for young readers who are new to the story. Critics have praised "The Nutcracker" for its engaging storytelling and beautiful illustrations. ...


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