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The Tempest


By William Shakespeare (Author)   By  Unique Publishers  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2018
ISBN :9789351878162
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/137/3/107
Pages :380
Publisher :unique publishers


The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare that tells the story of Prospero, a magician who has been exiled to a remote island with his daughter Miranda. Using his magical powers, Prospero conjures up a storm that brings his enemies to the island, where he seeks revenge and ultimately finds redemption. The play explores themes of power, betrayal, forgiveness, and the nature of justice. It features a cast of memorable characters, including the mischievous spirit Ariel, the monstrous Caliban, and the shipwrecked nobles Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian. One of the standout features of The Tempest is its beautiful language, which is full of poetic imagery and metaphors. The play also has a unique structure, with a mixture of comedy, drama, and supernatural elements that keep the audience engaged from beginning to end. The Tempest has received numerous positive reviews over the years, with critics praising its themes, characters, and language. The play has been adapted into various forms, including operas, ballets, and films. To fully appreciate The Tempest, readers may benefit from s...


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