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The Trail History And Civice For Icse Middle School Class 7


By Jayanti Sengupta (Author)   By  Oxford University Press  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2021
ISBN :9780190121495
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/33/2/439
Pages :144
Publisher :Oxford University Press


"The Trail: History and Civic for ICSE Middle School Class 7" by Jayanti Sengupta is a comprehensive guidebook for students studying history and civics in the ICSE curriculum. The book covers a wide range of topics, including ancient civilizations, medieval India, the Indian freedom struggle, and the Indian Constitution. The main themes of the book include the evolution of Indian society and politics, the impact of colonialism, and the struggle for independence. The book also explores the role of citizenship, democracy, and human rights in modern India. One of the standout features of the book is its engaging writing style, which makes complex historical and political concepts accessible to young readers. The book also includes a range of illustrations, maps, and diagrams that help to bring the topics to life. Positive reviews of the book praise its clear and concise explanations, as well as its comprehensive coverage of the ICSE curriculum. One reviewer notes that "The Trail" is "an excellent resource for students and teachers alike." Overall, "The Trail: History and Civic for I...


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