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The Wedding


By Danielle Steel (Author)   By  Dell Book  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2000
ISBN :9780440236856
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/19/2/779
Pages :517
Publisher :DELL BOOK


In Danielle Steel’s #1 New York Times bestseller, a Hollywood wedding sets the scene for a vivid portrayal of a prominent family whose hopes and fears are as real as our own.

Simon Steinberg, a major movie producer, and Blaire Scott, an award-winning television writer, are among the most respected couples in Hollywood. They have defied the clichés, keeping their marriage together for decades. Their children—Samantha, Scott, and Allegra—are successful and happy, but must face the challenges we fear for our own children as well.

As an attorney for the stars, twenty-nine-year-old Allegra Steinberg is used to negotiating major movie deals, and fielding phone calls at all hours of the day and night. But she has little time for a private life—until a chance encounter with a New York writer turns her life upside down. Suddenly, Allegra finds herself planning a wedding at her parents’ Bel Air home.

As preparations begin for a September ceremony, surprise announcements and ever-increasing anxiety bring out the best and worst in everyone. But as coupl...


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