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The World Chasing The Cup


By Bibek Sengupta (Author)   By  Times Group Books  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2018
ISBN :9789386206824
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/22/2/934
Pages :120
Publisher :Times Group Books


"The World Chasing The Cup" by Bibek Sengupta is a thrilling sports novel that takes readers on a journey through the high-stakes world of international soccer. The story follows a diverse group of players from around the globe as they compete in the prestigious World Cup tournament, each with their own dreams, struggles, and motivations. As the players face off against formidable opponents on the field, they must also navigate personal challenges and rivalries off the field. From the pressure to perform under the watchful eyes of millions of fans to the intense competition for glory and recognition, the novel explores the sacrifices and triumphs that come with chasing a dream on the world stage. What sets "The World Chasing The Cup" apart is its vivid portrayal of the passion, drama, and camaraderie that define the world of professional soccer. Through Sengupta's immersive storytelling, readers will feel as if they are right there on the field, experiencing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat alongside the characters. With beautiful illustrations that bring the action t...


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