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Topo Map Book For Class 10


By Others (Author)   By  New Saraswati House India Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2020
ISBN :9789350416402
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/182/5/219
Pages :71
Publisher :New Saraswati House India Private Limited


The TOPO MAP BOOK FOR CLASS 10 by publication new saraswati house (india) private limited is a comprehensive guide for students studying geography in India. The book contains detailed topographical maps of India, along with explanations of key geographical concepts and terms. The main themes of the book include understanding the physical features of India, such as mountains, rivers, and plains, as well as the impact of these features on the country's climate, economy, and culture. The book also explores the importance of maps in geography, and how to read and interpret different types of maps. One of the standout features of the book is its detailed and accurate topographical maps, which are essential for students to understand the geography of India. The book also includes helpful diagrams, charts, and illustrations to further explain key concepts. Positive reviews of the book praise its comprehensive coverage of the subject matter and its user-friendly layout. One reviewer notes, "This book is an excellent resource for students studying geography in India. The maps are detail...


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