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Teach Yourself Hindi & English Dictionary


By Rupert Snell (Author)   By  Hachette Book Group  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2014
ISBN :9780340811931
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/130/7/285
Pages :250
Publisher :Hachette Book Group


"Teach Yourself Hindi & English Dictionary" by Rupert Snell is a comprehensive language guide that aims to help readers learn both Hindi and English. With its user-friendly format and extensive vocabulary, this book is an essential tool for anyone looking to expand their language skills. The book begins with a detailed introduction to the Hindi language, providing readers with a solid foundation in grammar, pronunciation, and sentence structure. It then delves into a wide range of topics, including everyday conversation, travel, shopping, and more. Each chapter is filled with useful phrases and expressions, as well as practical exercises to reinforce learning. What sets this book apart is its unique approach to language learning. Rather than simply providing translations, Snell emphasizes the importance of understanding the cultural context behind the words. Through engaging anecdotes and cultural insights, readers gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of both Hindi and English. Key features of this book include its clear and concise explanations, as well as its extensive voc...


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