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The Blue Umbrella


By Ruskin Bond (Author)   By  Rupa  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2006
ISBN :9788171673407
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/41/5/488
Pages :87
Publisher :Rupa


"The Blue Umbrella" by Ruskin Bond is a heartwarming tale set in a picturesque village in the Indian Himalayas. The story follows the life of a young girl named Binya, who trades her lucky leopard's claw pendant for a beautiful blue umbrella belonging to a tourist. The umbrella quickly becomes the talk of the town, attracting jealousy and admiration in equal measure. As Binya navigates the complexities of small-town life, she forms a special bond with the umbrella and the mysterious man who gifted it to her. The novel explores themes of friendship, community, and the power of simple gestures to bring joy and connection to our lives. Ruskin Bond's lyrical prose and vivid descriptions bring the village and its inhabitants to life, creating a rich and immersive reading experience. The book's charming illustrations further enhance the story, making it a delightful read for readers of all ages. Critics have praised "The Blue Umbrella" for its timeless charm and universal themes, with one reviewer calling it "a gem of a novel that captures the beauty and simplicity of rural life." With ...


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