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The Journey Is The Reward


By Anil Kumar Gupta (Author)   By  Rainbow Publishers Private Limited  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date :
ISBN :9788190944113
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/119/1/2
Pages :
Publisher :Rainbow Publishers Private Limited


"The Journey is the Reward" by Anil Kumar Gupta is a memoir that takes readers on a journey through the author's life, from his childhood in India to his successful career as a business leader in the United States. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, Gupta explores themes of identity, cultural differences, and the importance of perseverance in achieving one's goals. The book features a unique structure, with each chapter focusing on a different period of Gupta's life and highlighting a specific lesson or experience that shaped him as a person. Along the way, readers meet a cast of memorable characters, including Gupta's family members, mentors, and colleagues. Critics have praised "The Journey is the Reward" for its engaging storytelling and inspirational message. According to one review, "Gupta's memoir is a testament to the power of hard work and determination, and a reminder that the journey is often more important than the destination." Readers interested in personal growth, multiculturalism, or business leadership will find much to appreciate in this thought-provoking...


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