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The Magic


By Rhonda Byrne (Author)   By  Simon And Schuster Llc  (Publication)

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Book Details
Binding :Paperback
Publication Date : 2012
ISBN :9781849838399
Language :English
Rack No. :KOL/169/2/198
Pages :254
Publisher :Simon And Schuster LLC


The Magic by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that aims to transform readers' lives by teaching them the power of gratitude. The book is unique in that it focuses on a specific practice, namely the daily practice of gratitude, and shows readers how this practice can improve all areas of their lives. The plot of The Magic revolves around a 28-day gratitude challenge, during which readers are encouraged to practice gratitude in a variety of ways, from keeping a gratitude journal to saying thank you to everyone they encounter. Along the way, readers are introduced to a cast of characters who have used gratitude to transform their lives, and are given practical tips and exercises to help them cultivate a grateful mindset. One of the standout features of The Magic is its emphasis on the power of gratitude to improve not just one's personal life, but also one's professional and financial success. The book includes stories of people who have used gratitude to overcome financial hardships, find their dream jobs, and achieve their goals. The Magic has received positive reviews from a nu...


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